IMDRF 2023

23rd session

27-28 March 2023 | Brussels, Belgium

Mariela Aranda

Head of the Service of In Vitro Diagnostic Products, National Institute of Medical Devices

Mariela Aranda is head of the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Service of National Institute of Medical Devices Therapeutic Goods Administration (ANMAT). She leads the IVD´s premarket approval section, represents the ANMAT in congresses and international cooperation projects as a specialist on the subject and also at the IMDRF Clinical Evidence of Medical Products for IVD Working Group, and previously at the IMDRF Principles of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices Classification Working Group.

Dra. Aranda is Biochemist and Pharmacist from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Master in Regulatory Science of Health Products with 20 years of experience in Quality Assurance and more than 10 years in Regulatory Affairs in Medical Products.