IMDRF 2023

23rd session

27-28 March 2023 | Brussels, Belgium

Lesley-Anne Farmer

Expert Advisor, Therapeutic Goods Administration

Lesley-Anne has been leading the software and AI policy reform work for medical devices at TGA since early 2020, and provides deep expertise on matters relating to software and AI. Lesley-Anne has extensive experience in digital technologies, ranging from deeply technical aspects such as software development and optimisation through to strategic decision making and business growth. Lesley-Anne has assisted the World Health Organization with software questions and participates in international groups such as the SaMD Working Group for IMDRF.

Lesley-Anne is able to assure outcomes through a strong understanding of how technology enables those outcomes across many technology ecosystems. Lesley-Anne has originated and led many consulting engagements for senior clients, in technology strategy, through communication and relationship building with a diverse range of stakeholders.

Lesley-Anne has recently been the regional General Manager in technical consulting businesses, managing sales and technical teams to grow the business – delivering the highest growth region globally for three years consecutively.

Lesley-Anne has worked with global and local clients in health, government, financial and commercial sectors.