IMDRF 2023

24th session

25-26 September 2023 | Berlin, Germany

Bryan So

Executive Secretary General , Global Harmonization Working Party

Bryan So is the Executive Secretary General of GHWP, and Managing Director, Business Development of the Multi-Scale Medical Robotics Center (MRC) under The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) with R&D on surgical robotic systems. Prior to joining CUHK, Bryan was the Deputy General Manager and Principal Consultant of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, responsible for medical technology development, precision machining, advanced optics and smart health business. As a Registered Professional Engineer & Adjunct Associate Professor in biomedical engineering, Bryan served as co-principal investigator and investigator in various Medtech R&D projects, covering the sub-specialties of orthopedics, dermatology, prosthodontic and surgery, through Innovation Technology Fund of the Hong Kong SAR government and industrial funding.

Bryan has served the Global Harmonization Working Party (GHWP) [formerly known as AHWP] since 2008 and currently as the Executive Secretary General of GHWP to facilitate the medical device regulatory convergence for 33 member countries and regions. With over 20 years of professional experience in technology R&D, engineering, and consultancy in senior executive positions, Bryan has strong network with the industries and professional sectors.